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A new conservative publishing house wants to get the “wokeness” out of bedtime.
Launching this week, Brave Books will focus exclusively on stories for kids, and offers parents “a conservative alternative to the current cultural activism that our children are being taught in schools, in the entertainment they watch and the books they read,” according to their website.
Company CEO Trent Talbot, who had his first child a little more than a year ago, conceived of Brave Books when, he said, he started to notice “that there is a real war going on for the hearts and minds of our kids. And everywhere I looked was propaganda,” the Montgomery, Texas-based dad told The Post.
An ophthalmologist by trade, Talbot pointed to Ibram X. Kendi’s picture book, “Antiracist Baby,” which urges parents and kids to “make equity a reality,” as content that needs a counterpoint.
“Once my eyes were open I was seeing it everywhere and I couldn’t unsee it,” Talbot said. “I thought there was a need for books that could help parents teach the values they hold dear.”
Brave Books’ first offering is called “Elephants are Not Birds,” the story of an elephant named Kevin who likes to sing, and then is convinced by a vulture — named Culture — that he warbles so well, he must actually be a bird.
Culture gives Kevin a pair of wings and a beak to wear, though his attempts to live life as a bird are less than successful in the ensuing pages.
The book is an unapologetic rebuke of transgender acceptance and the growing number of young people identifying as trans, says author Ashley St. Clair.
“You get special attention now in the classroom if you say, ‘Hey my name is not Billy, it’s Amanda,'” St. Clair, 22, told The Post. “I am going to have a little boy in November, and it’s scary to think he could come home and say, ‘My friends all identify as something else and that’s how I feel’ and have my son crying because he’s not put on hormone replacement therapy.”
Brave Books is eschewing Amazon and only selling directly from its own website, offering parents a book a month for a $12.99 yearly subscription.
Other planned books include, “The Island of Free Ice Cream” by former OAN anchor Jack Posobiec, which will tackle Communism. The company is also courting Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), to write “Fame, Blame, and the Raft of Shame” about cancel culture.
Talbot said “Elephants are Not Birds” has already been positively received by kids from 4 to 12.
“I would love to see it taught in schools and on summer reading lists and we’re going to fight to make that happen,” he said.